SATURDAY — To Vallejo for meeting with FPE Epsilon and a night with old friends in the bay area at the home of Donna, 5-A-9 FPE.

SUNDAY To SAN Francisco to do KGO radio show and an inter- view.


Lecture to San Francisco State Psych Class

at request of a student who heard the show on Sunday. Dinner with Dr. Benjamin who was his usual gracious and courtly self.


Flew to Chicago on an almost empty 747 and down to Bloomington, Ind. on a little Beechcraft

some contrast.

WEDNESDAY Inst. of Sex Research lecture by Dr. Myers of Johns Hopkins Gender Identity Clinic. Asked him how many out of a hundred applicants for surgery probably should have it. His answer - "10". One more emphasis on the nature of the other 90%! That night partici- pated in a panel discussion with sociologist, psychiatrist and two pre-op TSs one male and one female. 25 minutes to make distinctions be- tween TV, TS and HS. Much interest and compliments afterward for making it all clear.


Flew to Indianapolis, dinner with Clare 14-H-4 FPE.

FRIDAY - Did show on WFBM-TV, flew on to Chicago and at night did the show on WLS-TV. Both shows pleased and invited me back for future appearances.

SATURDAY Afternoon with a Women's Lib group of psychology students and teachers a hot discussion. Marvelous meeting with Chi chapter of FPE in evening. 16-17 TVs and 5 wives in large new place. Chapter really moving in spite of splinter groups.

SUNDAY Fran down to Gisele's house from Madison to discuss means of lessening her work load. Decided that Chi chapter would try to take over responsibility for the Femme Forum.

MONDAY, JULY 26 Lunch with Dr. Alvarez, and his two great secretaries. Marvelous as usual. He will do a column on the new "How to book which ought to pull some new ones out. Hair-do at Carson Pirie, and TV show on Channel 44 in evening.